BIGBRO01.ZIP 11,118 07-14-94 "High-Tech Nightmare" by William F. JasperBIG BROTHER'S INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY "BigBrother" sure wants his nose in yourbusiness...but for your own good of course!!;) Most interesting discussion of much of
what's on the drawing board...07-14-94
CHIPLIST.ZIP 18,271 04-03-94 Listing Of Cpu Chips With Descriptions
CHIPS05.ZIP 22,279 06-07-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questions)re: computer chips
COMPRESS.ZIP 95,962 07-20-94 Frequently Asked Questions About Compression- From The Internet
C_MENU.ZIP 8,404 01-27-94 DOS 6.2 Config.SYS Menu's for Dummies - is aplain text tutorial on how to build multipleconfiguration files using DOS 6.0 or later.
DECHEX.ZIP 25,483 07-01-94 DecHex 1.00. DOS utility converts decimal tohex to decimal.
DELLBIOS.ZIP 180,344 01-01-94 Latest Phoenix Bios for Dell 486 PC's.
DOS_TSR.ZIP 23,577 01-02-94 TSR DOS HELP on line in Portugues, by RuiDuarte barros.
FAXES.ZIP 56,109 01-19-94 Over 100,000 fax numbers to the MEDIA.
FAXFAQ01.ZIP 25,387 02-06-94 Internet FAQ (answers to frequently asked queon faxing. 1/94 version (supersedes all previ
HD0794R7.ZIP 75,570 06-14-94 June 94Listing of hard drives new Seagate andConner drives added.
IBMTCP.ZIP 46,649 03-05-94 TCP/IP FAQ (frequently asked questions). Anextensive, and somewhat readable, guide torunning Internet programs using the TCP/IPprotocol on your PC. Makes recommendations,names names. Don't buy any software before
you read this. 3/5/94 update.
IPWIN123.ZIP 626,404 05-19-94 InfoPop v1.23 - Windows 3.x hypertext guideto the Internet, CompuServe, BBS systems andmore. Includes tutorial, directory ofaddresses and basic information.
K9COLOR.ZIP 18,334 03-11-94 Displays colors and ASCII codes! Great forprogrammers.
KEYS.ZIP 20,692 03-03-94 This is a program to return the ASCII and/orextended key code(s) of the key(s) that youpress. The Function keys and arrow keys areexamples of keys that return extended codeswhen pressed.
KISSOFT.ZIP 41,736 07-07-94 Keep It Simple Software Inc provides yousimply the Quickest and Easiest learningprograms EVER! Learn any program in minuteswithout having to read a 2" thick book. Learndefinitions, keystrokes and shortcuts and as
a bonus you'll get exercises to reinforcewhat you learned. Over 30 Learning programsavailable.
MDIC200.ZIP 61,174 03-04-94 The Modem Dictionary v2.00. Freeware. This isa must for anyone using a modem. It containseasy-to-understand definitions of over 730words that come up when using modems andBBS's. Helpful for both the beginner and
expert. No need to try to figure out thejargon anymore!
MSDOS622.ZIP 5,235 06-23-94 Information on changes, etc. in MS-DOS 6.22.
MUFDOS62.ZIP 9,560 06-03-94 A collection of Microsoft's undocumented featand 6.2. Learn about all the things avalabledocumentation. 5/23/93 release.
NOISE.ZIP 2,763 04-30-94 A very short documnent but has useful tips othe line noise problems.
POWERPC.ZIP 14,715 04-13-94 Subject: PowerPC Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ). Last-modified 13-April-94. Summary:This posting contains a list of frequentlyasked questions about the PowerPCarchitecture and PowerPC-based computers.
QTUT10.ZIP 249,765 03-02-94 QTUT 1.0 - Very easy to use disk based DOStutorial for beginners or experienced users.Read the text, do exercises, and return witha simple command at any time. Features fullsearch, print and text export functions.
Covers disk and drive management, most usedcommands, and an extensive glossary of DOSoperations in a special "quick find" menu.Registered version includes additionalmaterial on batch files, recovery proceduresand more. Registration A$29.95 (US$25.95).
Q_A4RA_5.ZIP 69,745 03-25-94 Q&A4RA-5.ZIP Questions and Answers for RA2.0x. Setup OS/2 with RemoteAccess 2.0x!Also, install these following files: IceEdit,IceChat, GEdit, INSTAbank, Online ArchiveMaster, RAInfo, BlueWave Mail Door, DOORWAY,
FrontDoor, xMail, FastEcho, just to name afew! Get to know the RACONFIG and also how tosetup RA with 2 remote lines and 1 local andmore! Over 4,600 lines, and 232k big! By:Eric Staufer, FidoNet - 1:374/6568!
ROADMAP2.ZIP 135,405 06-13-94 ROADMAP2.ZIP> V.1.0 Lighthouse ProductionsJUNE Edition 1994. ROADMAP TO INFO SUPERHWYCompiled in Windows Help File Format(Hypertext) for rapid resources of InterNetUpdated Monthly. Windows required. GET THE
ST4707.ZIP 3,135 04-07-94 SIZE MISMATCH, NEW INSTALLATION (Applies toStacker 4.0)
STACK40.ZIP 33,052 03-01-94 Stacker 4.0 Tech notes from Stac.
STACKER4.ZIP 4,576 03-06-94 Tells about the new STACKER 4.0 and what itis compatable with. <DIZ by: PEGASUS Autodiz* 813-481-5575>
TCNWIN.ZIP 546,432 06-26-94 Pc-Based Constitutional Study Aid
TUTCOM47.ZIP 292,992 01-24-94 TUTOR.COM, Ver 4.7. Computer Knowledgeshareware minicourse in microcomputingcovering the keyboard, history, computerterms, intro to DOS, subdirectories, batchfiles, and an introduction to programming. A
major new version is being prepared. Look forit! <ASP>
UIE405.ZIP 838,642 04-01-94 SUNSHINE v4.05 <ASP> - May, 1994. Sheds lighton computers. A Cumulative HypertextPeriodical (CHP). New: Blow-by-blow accountof every change to every parameter of everyversion of DOS from 1.0 to 6.2. The best
technical comparison of versions of DOSavailable anywhere. Glossary with latestacronymous cyberspeak. High bandwidth helpfrom beginner to pioneer. Needs DOS 6.2,Windows 3.1 and mouse.
UPSFAQ.ZIP 15,074 06-11-94 FAQ on Uninterruptable Power Supplies 29.
VGADOC3.ZIP 312,725 01-19-94 More than Anyone Ever Wanted to Know aboutVGA Monitors
VL940202.ZIP 238,675 02-02-94 Vendor Phone List And Other MiscellaneousInfo, Release 94.01.14: list of about 3900hardware and/or software vendors; includesname, address, sales support, tech support,bbs and fax phone numbers, if known; also
includes list of about 100 goodies you cansend for, most FREE.
XTHELP.ZIP 6,988 04-04-94 IBM XT (& clones) motherboard switch settingspeaker POST codes, & install 1.44 meg drive
ZHINT594.ZIP 430,588 05-12-94 This file contains over 225 text files someTIF files with help for Modems and Faxmodems.General, Zoom and MTEZ help. Comport/Irqhelp, conflicts hardware/software, Unix andmore! By Don Hinds 5/94.
Z_288_2.ZIP 17,700 05-05-94 Text on how to set up zoom 28.8k faxmodemsfrom zoom bbs.